Pest Management Databases
The Association of Systematics Collections' Information Modeling Project for Biological Collections
The ASC's Computerization and Networking Committee has a project in progress. This effort to develop semantic data standards for the systematics collections community is being conducted under the auspices of the Association of Systematics Collections (ASC), Committee on Computerization and Networking. The goal is to develop a unifying, consensus-based, implementation-independent (conceptual) schema for collections information, down to the level of the atomic data concept. The model will encompass all disciplines, not just single plant or animal groups, and all taxa, not just endangered or threatened species. This project does not propose to build a collections database management system, but rather, a semantic standard that will enable specimen data to be combined across institutions and systematics disciplines to address pressing resource management needs and to test complex research questions.
The BIOCAT classical biocontrol introductions database
The BIOCAT database is produced by the International Institute of Biological Control, part of CAB International. The database contains over 4,300 records of introductions and releases into the environment of insect natural enemies for controlling insect pests up to 1990. Information is available on the pests, agents, areas of releases, crops attacked, outcome of releases, and references to the most recent publication. Further information may be found in the references cited in the source documents which are, where possible, the most up to date or authorititive review for the region or pest. Original sources are cited for introductions subsequent to the last review. Names have been upated where appropriate to the preferred name used in the CAB ABSTRACTS database and so may differ from those in the original publications.
Biological Control
Databases at Base de Dados Tropical, Brazil include: Biological control of insects: directory of institutions (in Portuguese), Who's Who in Biodiversity (in Portuguese), Who's Who in Biological Control (in English), Who's Who in Entomology (in Portuguese), Legislation relative to biocontrol, as well as publications on biocontrol, discussion lists and other biological control links.
Compendium of Pesticide Common Names
Contains the common names, IUPAC and Chemical Abstracts systematic names, molecular formulae, Registry Numbers and activity for well over 1000 pesticide active ingredients.
Database of IPM Resources (DIR)
Database of IPM Resources (DIR) is an information retrieval/referral system and an up-to-date reference with a search engine for finding electronic (Internet) IPM information resources on particular topics in IPM. It provides a listing of and hyperlinks to information resources developed by specialists, farm advisors, and researchers worldwide.
Directory of entomologists with pacific interests
This directory is now available on Internet for browsing or downloading. It has been compiled by the Entomology Subcommittee of the Pacific Science Association in cooperation with the Bishop Museum, and includes names, addresses, and interests for all entomologists with Pacific interests who have responded to various questionaires over the years. The present list derives from that published by E.H. Bryan in 1966, was updated by Geoff Scudder in the 1980s, and has been further updated by Gordon Nishida, Neal Evenhuis and Scott Miller for the 1990s.
Directory of entomologists living in the southwest pacific
The latest directory published by the Australian Entomological Society has been expanded to include over 900 entomologists living in Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the Southwest Pacific. It is available for Aus $ 10.00 from Australian Entomological Society, c/o CSIRO Division of Entomology, Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.
Jennings, J.T. (ed.). 1995. Directory of South-west Pacific entomologists. Australian Entomological Society, Canberra. 91 pp. ISBN 064623899X.
The Global Plant & Pest Information System
FAO created the first electronic, interactive, multimedia compendium of plant protection information in 1987. The current Global Plant & Pest Information System (GPPIS), is an Internet/WWW based version of FAO's earlier work. GPPIS is a global implementation and extension of the Pacific Plant Protection Information System (PPPIS) developed by FAO and the South Pacific Commission (SPC). GPPIS replaces PPPIS and fulfills FAO's constitutional mandate in the area of nutrition, food and agriculture.
International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases
This Working Group has a subgroup devoted to accession data - preparing for a collection data standard and references to relevant standards, information models, and data dictionaries. Publications relating to collections and taxonomy can also be found here.
Iowa State Entomology Index of Internet Resources
The entomology index of internet resources is a searchable database of insect-related resources on the Internet. Resources include world-wide web, gopher and FTP sites; Usenet news; electronic mailing lists; etc. A good resource may be found here.
A Library of Information Models (Schemas) for Biological Collections
The purpose of the Library of Information Models for Biological Collections is to present and document a reference model for biological collections, and record alternative models derived from or related to this reference model. The Library will promote the reuse and sharing of models (schemas) with the goal of reducing the time and complexity of the schema design process. See also the The Association of Systematics Collections' Information Modeling Project for Biological Collections
The Orthoptera Species File Online
A fully searchable Internet database of the Orthoptera of the world. As of now the database includes all genera and species of Tettigonioidea, Grylloidea, Tridactyloidea, and Tetrigoidea. The two remaining major groups, Gryllacridoidea and Acridomorpha, will be available sometime in the early 1998.
The Pelecinus Project
From the Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University. This database has Maps and On-Line Database Queries, Systematic Literature, Geographic Distribution, Temporal Distribution, Query the Database by Country, Query the Database by Institution, Map the Holdings of an Institution, Text-Based Information, Identification, Biology, Relationships & Taxonomy, Published Literature, Background to the Project, Rationale, Hardware/Software & Resources, Database Structure & Standards, Participating Institutions and Individuals.
Information on Database Structure can also be found here.
The Pherolist
A database of chemical components identified in sex glands of female Lepidoptera insects, and other chemicals attractive to male moths. Data are arranged in phylogenetic order and can be accessed via families, genera, species, common names and chemicals.
Plant Protection workers database and Electronic E-mail Directory