Unclassified Links
Acarology Homepage
This page is a development in connection with the Acarology list () to promote the advancement of the science of acarology. It contains sources of information related to mites and ticks.
B2B environment in Spain (in Spanish)
AgDB: Agriculture-related Databases
Metadata directory that describes and links directly to 1000+ non-bibliographic databases.
Agricultural Conference, Meetings, Seminars, Calendar
Major national and international events with emphasis on those of scientific significance. Covers all subjects with special-focus sections on Animal Sciences, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Natural Resources, Plant Sciences and Soil Sciences.
The Antlion Pit is a collection of resources related to the fascinating antlion, or "doodlebug." Insect enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy the variety of information here, including videos of antlion feeding behavior and metamorphosis. You can also explore areas not normally associated with entomology, such as the roles antlions and other creatures play in human culture and imagination.
Plant pathology online. APSnet is an on-line service from the American Phytopathological Society which will enable plant health specialists to use their personal computers to gain instant access to the latest information, products and services from APS.
- What's New
- Publications
- APS Information
- Meetings
- News and Views
- Career Information
- APSnet Subscriber Information
- Directories
Asia Pacific Regional Technology Centre (APRTC)
eLearning for Sustainable Natural Resource Management
Biocontrol Network
"Integrated Pest Management Solutions for a small planet"
Biological Control Site
Contains photographs and descriptions of major biological control agents of insect, disease, and weed pests in North America. Also intended as a tutorial on biological control and IPM. Links lead to information on parasitoids, predators, pathogens and weed-feeders. This ambitious site is still under construction but promises to be a useful source of information.
BIOSCI is a set of electronic communication forums - the bionet USENET newsgroups and parallel e-mail lists - used by biological scientists worldwide. No fees are charged for the service. The U.S. BIOSCI site is supported by advertising raised through this Web site since the end of its grant from NSF, DOE, and NIH. The U.K. BIOSCI node is supported by the Daresbury Laboratory.
British Library
Portico, The British Library's Online Information Server, provides access to information about all aspects of the services and collections of the United Kingdom's national library.
British Library - OPAC 97
OPAC 97 is a free service which will allow you to find out what material is held in the major Reference and Document Supply collections of the British Library. In many cases it will also be possible to request copies of document supply material from the Library's Document Supply Centre (BLDSC) at Boston Spa.
The Caribbean IPM web site
For more information contact the coordinator of the IPM network for the wider Caribbean, Dr. Janice Reid, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute, University Campus, Box 113, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica or the author of this page, Dr. L.E. Chinnery.
CE Sheets from Clemson University
The insect pictures are from the set produced by the Clemson University (South Carolina, US) Cooperative Extension Service - United States Department of Agriculture joint project. The category titles refer to the CE Sheet series.
- Beneficial Insects
- Corn Insects
- Cotton Insects and Mites
- Forage Crops Insect Pests
- Fruit Insects
- Household Insects
- Ornamental Plants Insect Pests
- Pecan Insects
- Poultry and Livestock Insects
- Shade and Forest Insects
- Soybean Insects
- Stinging and Biting Arthropods
- Stored Grain Insects
- Stored Products Insect Pests
- Tobacco Insects
- Vegetable Insects
Chemistry & Industry Magazine
Chironomid WWW page
Includes a number of photos. This site is intended as a demonstration of what can be offered to Chironomid workers if enough interest is shown. At present this is still very basic but has obvious potential. Maintained by Luc Int Panis, at present there are pictures of people, lists of publications and upcoming events. Also linked to general entomology web pages.
Cicada sounds
Klaus Riede's page with songs of three Bornean cicadas
Matija Gogala's page with songs of some cicadas from Malaysia and Thailand
The page of Matija Gogala and Andrej Popov with cicada songs from Slovenia and Istria
Paul Boyer's page with some Magicicada sounds
Cultural Entomology
We begin to realize the extent to which insects have become a part of almost every facet of the humanities. We call these cross-spectrum snippets "Cultural Entomology."
Digital Dragonflies
Using a flatbed scanner, Forrest Mitchell has produced taxaonomically useful images of dragonflies in color. "No known collection technique other than photography works completely at capturing [a dragonfly's] color, and nothing else has been able to preserve the color of the eyes."
This site represents the state of the art in insect images on the World Wide Web. These 2 Dragonfly images have 13 inch wingspans. "In the coming months, a second server will be set up that contains scans of multiple specimens of each species. Every specimen will have top and side scans made."
Discovery Channel Online
Nature on television.
Worldwide, dust mites are the main causative agent of one of the worst ailments of the twentieth-century man.
ECLAT Grupo de Discusión. Red Latinoamericana sobre Genética Poblacional y Control de Triatomineos.
Environmental Pest Management at Madison, WI, USA
Environmental Pest Management will solve most pest problems you may encounter. The most frequent pests that we receive questions on are: Cockroaches, Fleas, Sugar/Grease Ants, Carpenter Ants, Squirrels, Mice, Wasps, Hornets & Bees, Earwigs.
Ephemeroptera Galactica
Official web site of the permanent committee international conferences on Ephemeroptera, maintained at the Laboratory of Aquatic Entomology of the Florida A and M University to help coordinate the study of mayflies throughout the world.
FDA Technical Bulletin No. 5, Macroanalytical Procedures Manual (1984)
A website for the manual of techniques used to analyze food for insect damage and other defects. The hardcopy book has been out-of-print for a few years now.
Finnish Lepidoptera
There are now over 100 new butterfly pictures. The lepidoptera section is not only Finnish and more names and information are being added to the structure including holarctic butterflies.
Forensic Entomology
This web site is designed to teach police officers and homicide investigators the minimal skills they will need to collect insect larvae at the scene of a homicide, what they will need to know to send these larvae to an expert, and what they might eventually expect from his testimony. This site is still under construction. The pages are currently all text. Later, I hope to include photographs of various carrion insects, charts, etc. The current topics covered are:
- Bugs on Bodies: How They Can Determine the Postmortem Interval
- How to Collect Insects at a Corpse
- How to Send Insects Through the Mail
- Blowflies: Their Life Cycle and Where to Look for the Various Stages
Database concerning 'Hypodermosis'
The librarian service of the Avian Pathology and Parasitology Station of the INRA Research Center of Tours created this database of hypodermosis references by developing a foundation database provided by P. Scholl, using the scientific expertise and guidance of members of EC Cost Action
Insects of Russia
Insects from the former USSR for collectors.
Lepidoptera Hostplant Recording Facility
This facility makes pooling and permanently recording rearing records of all Lepidoptera groups much easier. It avoids the loss to the entomological community of the many rearing records that are never published.
We shall shortly be processing and "paging" the records accumulated through this year - a much smaller crop so far than in 1995. Has the novelty worn off or is no-one rearing larvae this year? Please add your records, and any published records that may be of interest to others! The aim is ultimately to build a comprehensive reference facility available through the Internet.
Records entered into the form page are transferred regularly to a Paradox database, edited, sorted, and then fed back into web pages available from the home page. These currently hold over 1000 records. Please add records, even if you've published or intend to publish them elsewhere.
Collected hostplant records form a large and valuable permanent scientific record that can be used eventually to answer broader biological questions about how Lepidoptera and plants interact.
At the same time as compiling the Web records pages, we are assembling a complementary database (HOSTS) of published hostplant records, employing volunteers and students doing work experience. This database comprises 80,000+ records (November 1996). Records input through the Web will also be added to HOSTS.
List of www pest management sites
This site at Colorado State University claims to be the first Entomology WWW site establisehd in the world, and went into operation on 27 February 1994, and has a section devoted to Entomology on the Internet.
Michigan Lepidoptera Survey
Information on:
- Moths and Butterflies of the U.S.
- Checklist of Michigan Butterflies
- Michigan listed Listed Lepidoptera
- Caterpillar Hostplants Database
- USDA Plants Database
- Natural History Collections
Midges and Water Beetles of Florida (John H. Epler)
For those of you out there with an interest in the Chironomidae and water beetles of Florida, you may wish to check out my new web page.
A mite trunk page for the Tree of Life includes:
- Introduction
- Characteristics
- Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships
- References
University of the Witwatersrand site devoted to the deadliest disease in the world in terms of cost of human life.
National Pest Control Association
The New National Pest Control Association, Inc.
Natural History Services (Dick Walton)
For those interested in historical entomology, my website has 2 illustrated pages on Thomas Say and his American Entomology. There is also a section on the Monarch Migration Project.
Nature is the world's most cited weekly science journal, covering all fields of research, from cell biology to quantum mechanics. Nature has the highest impact in immunology, molecular biology, physics, earth sciences, astrophysics and space sciences, and chemistry. In 1995, Nature published the world's six most popular research papers, which were cited five times more than papers in any other scientific publication. As well as an extensive science-policy news database, Nature's website also publishes hundreds of up-to-date science jobs and events. In addition to regular coverage of Nature's contents, the website has regular features on recent research. All this has made Nature's website one of the most visited by researchers and students around the world.
Nature Watch
Of possible interest to entomologists are six columns about various arthropods: Bug in the House (about Leptoglossus occidentalis), Tarantella, Angels and Insects, Urquhart at 85, Screw-worm, and The Tent Makers.
Neuroptera HomePage
The Neuropterists' homepage, includes List Servers, Newsletters, Directories and Phonebooks, Bibliographies and Catalogues, Miscellaneous, Internet Entomological Resource Indexes.
New Scientist
This is New Scientist on line which lists the current issue's contents Sciencejobs database and courses and events. Back issues of New Scientist are also available online.
Peanut Pesticide Assessment
The peanut is a legume, a member of the pea family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, very sensitive to frost, and is grown as an annual for production. The incidence of pests, including weeds, insects, disease-causing organisms, and nematodes is high in the subtropical climate of most peanut-growing states. Thus, efficient pest management is essential for profitable production.
This assessment was developed with input from over 30 pest management experts within the three major peanut producing regions. The model developed to assist in this assessment is both rapid and accurate in picking the best short-term replacements for single pesticides, and it looks at more than pesticide-based pest control methods. Because of its structure, the model can be used to determine the impact of a new pest management procedure on current practices and help determine what, if any, practices this new practice might replace. This program will be less reliable in the assessment of long-term effects, particularly related to the exit or entry of a broad spectrum of pest management options. Updating is relatively fast and easy.
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
This is a demonstration world wide web server with the aim of making information conveniently available to Canadian citizens and industry. Health Canada information found on this server has been previously published elsewhere. This world wide web server does not have official status, but is provided as a service to users.
Pest Control Portal
Pest control specific search engine and portal site
PestWeb is an independent free resource for anybody seeking information on pests, pest control & related issues.
The Science Guide
A New Internet Directory and Information Service run by Scientists and Physicians for Scientists and Physicians. The Science Guide consists of a number of different sections designed to help the scientist and physician find information on the internet and to sponsor communication between those interested in science.
Unicorn bags
Clear autoclavable bags - soft and easy to seal after heat treatment in autoclave for six hours at 262°F(125°C).