Research Organisations
ACES Impact Statements: Pest Management
The News and Public Affairs section of Information Services reports impact statements on a variety of teaching, research and Extension programs and projects in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Office of Research, University of Illinois).
AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA - Pest Management Research Centre
The Pest Management Research Centre, with sites at London, Vineland and Delhi, plays an important role in the area of crop protection. Present research at the Centre is concentrated in the development of alternative and environmentally-acceptable pest management procedures for the protection of tree fruits, vegetables and field crops, which will replace or reduce current pesticide use. The multi-disciplinary expertise at PMRC results from the history of the three sites.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
ACIAR is an Australian Government Authority that operates within the ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It was established in June 1982 to assist and encourage Australia's agricultural scientists to use their skills for the benefit of developing countries, and at the same time work to resolve Australia's own agricultural problems.
The Centre's mandate is to improve the well-being of people in developing countries and Australia through international collaboration in research and related activities that develop sustainable agricultural systems and appropriate strategies for natural resource management.
ACIAR-funded research aims to help developing countries to help themselves, thus contributing to their well-being and general economic growth.
CAB International
Details of the range of services which CAB International provides, including scientific and technical information in agriculture, forestry, human health and natural resources, and specialist scientific services are provided. Includes on line databases CAB ABSTRACTS and CAB HEALTH, and the current awareness service CAB ACCESS, together with the full range of abstract journals, primary journals, CD-ROM products, floppy disk products and books.
Part of CAB International is PEST CABWeb covering entomology, nematology, weed science, biological control, plant pathology and many other aspects of pest management: PEST CABWeb demonstrates a unique combination of scientific expertise and authoritative information resources.
Entomology Department of the California Academy of Sciences
CAS Entomology Resources include:
- Neuropterists Newsletter
- Catalog of Neuropteroid Genera of the World
- World Neuropteroid Bibliography
- World Dryopoid Bibliography
- World Mecoptera Bibliography
- World Checklist of Extant Mecoptera Species
- World List of Extant and Fossil Embiidina (=Embioptera)
Centre for Tropical Pest Management (CTPM)
The Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Pest Management is targeting the crucial issues involved in designing, developing, and implementing improved pest management strategies. This is achieved through better understanding, integration and management of specific techniques and practices such as biocontrol, cultural practices, physical methods, baits and attractants, and new chemical and biological insecticides. The site is in Brisbane.
The Entomology Department of Clemson University
This site is constantly updated to ensure that you receive the latest information on a large collection of archived material in the form of text and graphics pertaining to entomology.
The Henry Doubleday Research Association
HDRA is Europe's largest organic organisation, specialising in organic gardening and food in the UK, and small scale agriculture in developing countries. It has worldwide membership.
Department of Electronic Engineering at Hull University
The Environmental Electronics Research Group spans other Schools within the University (Chemistry, Geography and Earth Resources) reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of environmental research. Research topics and interests include :
- Advanced Image Processing of invertebrates and lichens for Bio-indicators
- Time Encoded Signal Processing of Physiological Signals
- Technology in Entomology and related fields
- The application of electronic and computing technology in entomology is relatively new and mainly limited to software such as databases, but this need not be so. Many of the recent developments in signal and image processing, expert systems and geographical information systems (GIS) have considerable potential for more efficient, reliable and innovative approaches to data collection, recording and display.
- Technology applications can be divided into four very broad overlapping catagories.
- Computer Software and Hardware
- Remote Sensing
- In situ Sensing
- Signal and Image Processing
Integrated Pest Management
Part of the Guelph Turfgrass Institute site, but no information here as yet.
Integrated Pest Management at Iowa State University
This site includes:
- Integrated Crop Management Newsletter
- Horticulture and Home Pest News
- Weed Management
- Entomology Index of Internet Resources
- Corn Rootworm Home Page
- European Corn Borer Home
- IPM projects in the North Central States
The Laboratory of Crop Protection Chemistry
The Laboratory of Crop Protection Chemistry , as part of the Department of Crop protection is particularly experienced in the determination of pesticide residues in crops and environmental samples (soil, water, air). Special areas of focus include:
- monitoring studies of pesticides in vegetables and fruits, and total diet studies.
- the influence of conservation methods and culinary treatments on the fate of residue levels in food.
- the influence of interfering factors on the fate of pesticides (degradation in field and lab
- experiments, behaviour in soil, metabolic fate).
- the influence of formulation and application aspects on the efficacy of pesticide treatments.
- exposure assessment during and after pesticide application.
- development of indicators and models for evaluation of the environmental impact of pesticides
Pest Management Practices for Home and Landscape: Millipedes
Mississippi State University pages.
MSU Integrated Crop Pest Management
Montana State University's Integrated Crop Pest Management site.
National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM), India
Northern Prairie Science Center
Biotic resources of the Great Plains. Includes distribution of breeding birds in N. Dakota, predators of the Prairie Pothole Region, distributional maps of butterflies, photographs of reptiles and amphibians, over 4000 maps showing distribution patterns of animals etc.
University of Kent at Canterbury's (UKC) mobile & context-aware computing web site.
Listed below are the various research projects underway in this new area of research at the university.
- Mobile Computing in a Fieldwork Environment
- Conference: Mobile Computing in the Field
- Exploiting Mobile Computers to Aid Human Memory
The UMCE Pest Management Office has the primary responsibility for coordinating
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Pest Management Office has the primary responsibility for coordinating Integrated Pest Management (IPM) efforts within the state of Maine. Organized IPM programs are currently developed for potatoes, apples, blueberries, sweet corn, strawberries, broccoli, and most recently greenhouses. Other related efforts include the Insect and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab, Pesticide Applicator Training, National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (NAPIAP), and the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) Program.
University of Missouri entomology web site
Details of pest management courses and the undergraduate program within the university, as well as various links.
University of New England, Insect Pest Management
This document introduces the activities and interests of the Insect Pest Management Group within the Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, at the University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.
University of Wisconsin
Details of faculty members and staff, graduate student information guide, insect collection, linked to web sites.
USDA-ARS Biological Control Web Page
This site contains some excellent stuff including information on pest control against whitefly and boll weevil.
Vegetable and Row Crop Pest Management
California UC Integrated Pest Management Guidelines: Guides to integrated management of diseases, weeds, nematodes and insects that are common in Californian Agriculture. This is the most complete source of information for California growers.
Also documents from Cal/EPA Department of Pesticide Regulation: Pesticide Laws, Methyl Bromide, Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms, Pesticide Use Reporting, Residue Levels in Produce, Drinking Water Safety.
Washington State University - Integrated Pest Management
This site links to:
- National Integrated Pest Management Network
- WSU's College of Agriculture and Economics IPM Homepage
- Conservation Farming Strategies