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Pest Management Glossary
Copyright © DR Dent and R Allcott 1996

The Glossary of Pest Management Terms considers pest in its widest context (weeds, pathogens, insects, nematodes, vertebrates, parasites) and deals with pest management terms across all systems, and disciplines eg. biotechnology, forestry, agriculture, urban and domestic. In addition a number of project management and statistical terms have been included since these subject areas have an important role in all of the research and development that is undertaken in pest management.

If a term you feel should be included is missing from the glossary, or if you know of a more appropriate description of a term than that provided, then contact and your comments will be incorporated as part of the regular updating of the Glossary.

[A - from 'a' Area of discovery to Aziridine]
[B - from Bacillary bands to By-product costing]
[C - from Cadre to Cytotoxic T cell]
[D - from Dairy ranching to Dyspnoea]
[E - from Ear to Eye gnat]
[F - from F distribution to Futile cycling]
[G - from Gall to Gynoparae]
[H - from h2 to Hythergraph]
[I - from IAA to Isozymes or isoenzymes]
[J - from Jacket cells to Juvenoid]
[K - from k-values to Kytoon]
[L - from L-arginine to Lysozyme]
[M - from 'm' to Myzorhynchus]
[N - from N to nymphochrysalis]
[O - from Objective function to Ozone]
[P - from P to Pyrogenic]
[Q - from Q to Quotidian malaria]
[R - from R & D to Russetting]
[S - from S to Syzgy]
[T - from T to Typical host]
[U - from Ulcerative lymphangitis to Urstigmata]
[V - from Vaccine to Vulva]
[W - from Warble to Wrap-around boundaries]
[X - from Xenia to Xylem]
[Y - from Yaws to Yield source components]
[Z - from Zero budgeting to Zygote]

Compiled and Edited by David Dent (International Institute of Biological Control, Silwood Park, Buckhurst Rd, Ascot SL5 7TA, UK) and Rosy Allcott (Insect Investigations Ltd, University of Wales Cardiff, PO Box 915, Cardiff CF1 3TL, UK)


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